How to Overcome Nice Guy syndrome by Thinking like Nicolas Tesla


I know what it feels like to be afraid of being yourself. 

I have experienced it. 

Last week I read about a reputable personality who continually craves social media fame, attention, and validation.

Let's go back to the 1890s; when Nikolas Tesla predicted radio waves.

Everyone thought he was crazy.

In 1893, Nikolas Tesla(Niko for short) worked a wireless energy transmission shuttling across short distances.

His pioneering work was pregnant with the potential of the 2g network birthed in the 1990s.

The life of Niko teaches you to be yourself. 

Niko believed in himself
Niko saw what other people ignored. 
Niko saw invisible radio waves. 
If you want to achieve success; think like Niko.

Niko never bowed to people's mockery. 
He didn't crave dopamine-hit validation of his ideas. 

Niko overcame the fear of ridicule. 

Niko overcame the fear of other thoughts. 


Fear is like gravity pulling you down. 
Niko defied gravity!

Airplanes defy gravity, what's stopping you? 

Think like Niko. 

Niko believes in his imagination.

This guy discovered something already existing. 

Niko the brilliant mind. 

Think like Niko, do the impossible!
–© 2024 Elite Multi-Genre Ghostwriter

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  1. “Think like Niko Niko" and you may discover a drug that cures"thinking too much."

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice guys will be more at an advantage in their struggles after reading your Nikola Tesla story . Thank you for sharing sir 🤲

  4. Think like Niko🔥👌💯


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