99% of your masculinity Coaches are liars: My research about porn, masturbation, and sex will help you understand yourself




 Is porn and masturbation good or bad?

Let's create a detailed qualitative data analysis of the experiences of porn-stars, consumers, masculinity coaches, and psychologists.

Step-by-Step Analysis:

  1. Categorize the Data: Organize the data into the four thematic categories.
  2. Count the Frequency: Count the occurrences of each thematic category in the data.
  3. Interpret the Data: Provide insights based on the frequency analysis.

Categorizing the Data:

Table 1: Pornstars

SourceUsernameDateContentSentimentThematic Category
YouTubeLana Rhoades6/12/2023"They pissed down my throat. I was forced"NegativeConsent and Coercion
TwitterMia Khalifa6/13/2023"Pornstars are abused, slapped and choked on set. I am being stigmatized"NegativeSexual Violence/Stigma
TwitterMona Azar6/12/2024"we MUST go over consent before and fill out paperwork."PositiveConsent and Coercion

Table 2: Psychologists

SourceUsernameDateContentSentimentThematic Category
YouTubeDr. Trisha5/12/2024"porn affects your brain ."NegativePorn Impact
TwitterDividends5/13/2023"Pornography is a destructive force for men - it cultivates unrealistic expectations, fuels addiction"NegativeAddiction
YouTubeHelthtips5/14/2024"contribute to anxiety, guilt, or feelings of inadequacy."NegativeAddiction

Table 3: Masculine Gurus

SourceUsernameDateContentSentimentThematic Category
TwitterTeriq6/12/2024"Everyone makes mistakes."PositiveConsent and Coercion
TwitterGino6/13/2024"Glad for her she reached the end of the black tunnel."NegativeSexual Violence/Masculinity
TwitterAceus6/12/2024"no porn: magic pill of life."NegativePorn Impact

Table 4: Porn Consumers

SourceUsernameDateContentSentimentThematic Category
TwitterTomato Bubble6/11/2024"WHAT DO PORN STARS DO WHEN THEIR SHELF LIFE EXPIRES? They make more money by saying how..."NegativeSexual Exploitation
TwitterHannah6/11/2024"Porn ruined my life. It took a long time to undo expectations. End porn."NegativePorn Impact
TwitterAdam Swart5/14/2023"It doesn’t rot your brain when consumed in moderation."PositivePorn Impact

Counting the Frequency:

CodeFrequency (Pornstars)Frequency (Psychologists)Frequency (Masculine Gurus)Frequency (Porn Consumers)
Consent and Coercion2010
Sexual Violence/Stigma1010
Porn Impact0112
Sexual Exploitation0001


Consent and Coercion:

  • Highly prevalent among pornstars, indicating significant issues regarding consent within the industry.
  • Acknowledged by masculine gurus, suggesting awareness and possibly promoting discussions around consent.

Sexual Violence/Stigma:

  • Highlighted by pornstars, reflecting personal experiences of violence and stigma.
  • Mentioned by masculine gurus, showing recognition of the stigma associated with the industry.

Porn Impact:

  • A major concern for psychologists, masculine gurus, and porn consumers.
  • Focuses on mental health effects, unrealistic expectations, and societal impacts.


  • A primary concern for psychologists, indicating the negative effects of pornography addiction.
  • Not heavily discussed by other groups in this dataset.

Sexual Exploitation:

  • Highlighted by porn consumers, indicating awareness of exploitation within the industry.





Masculinity coach ego sigma: “Jerking off makes you weak, stupid, and Dumbo dumb. Buy my course for 119$ to reclaim your masculinity now!"

Social media follower: “Why would you rip men to help them regain whatever? Sounds scammy.”

Masculinity coach ego sigma: “I would be useless if you don't pay for the time and effort I put in to make the book.”

Social media follower: “Uhn Uh?”

Speaking of strength, having no weaknesses is not a sign of strength.

To coaches who preach toxic perfectionism, hear me out...

You are not who you think you are, stop making people insecure about their weaknesses.

I Heard of a boxer who could put his opponents back on the ground and have them counted out by the refs in 3 seconds.

This boxer's performance wasn't hindered by his interest in daily sex losing a boatload of testosterone.

Strength can shine through even if you ain't operating at your peak.

The physical body is nothing, compared to the power of spirit. 

It's why a weak body can be powered by a strong spirit to achieve god-level victories. 

Spirit is billions of energy.

The soul is the "energy connector". 
The soul gives your spirits a purpose.

It can be good or bad purpose. 

People should learn masturbation.

How you please yourself determines how you please others. 

People pleasers forget to please themselves.

It's why they are exploited by charlatans.

You never experience the best sex with prostitutes or entitled girlfriends.

You are not supposed to pay for sex. 

It's a gift to be shared.

I indeed said I don't hate people. 

But I hate perfect people who believe they are always right.

I'm in touch with my emotions, but that's nothing special. 

I won't say I'm emotionally intelligent. 

Intelligence is intelligence.

A random dude can put your back on the ground in 3 seconds.

That doesn't make you any less of a man.

I had to give up being afraid to make mistakes and being afraid to lose.

I, like President Joe Biden, can make bad decisions.

This is why Joe Biden has special advisers to guide him.

I'm not perfect, and neither is Joe Biden.

I'm building the University of Intelligence.

Tell the world I said: there
is something new under the sun.

See, porn and masturbation addictions are a big deal.

Don't you sleep every day? 

To me, porn and masturbation are just ways to relax the body.

Your body needs rest, and you can use various ways like porn, masturbation, or other means to relax!

It's your body, find the best ways to relax it that work for you.

Hit the gym or do some pushups in your yard to stay jiggy. 

Watch Netflix, hit the local library or pub, or start a side hustle.

I'm starting the Poet Warriors writing community; drop a comment if you wanna join.

The purpose of porn and masturbation is for adults to learn self-pleasure and avoid exploitation.

We are addicted to sleep; don't you sleep every day?

Not all addictions are bad, except for the addictions that make you steal, kill, or destroy.

Based on my research, porn affects individuals, but the impact depends on the person. 

Porn, like AI, is not real sex, but it steers some understanding of sex. 

Sex can be viewed as a sport,  food, relief, or reproduction depending on individual perspectives. 

Maybe the purpose of porn is to see what sex means to us.

Porn does not damage the brain, but it can damage the brains of humans who haven't seen sex for what it is.

Sex is the body's response to certain chemicals. 

These chemicals in our body play a role in our emotional and mental balance. 

Sex has a way of revealing our character. 

There is something called sex behavior. 

This behavior can be animal-like. 

Some people love to be dominated. 

They love to feel weak. 

They get pleasure from being submissive. 

Others love the pleasure of dominance. 

Sex reveals these characteristics.

These characteristics are not bad, they are mirrors. 

We can work on our characteristics; Sex is deeper than orgasms.

From my study, I saw something shocking.

As seen in pornstars, men love to be dominant, women love to be dominated, but this is not always true. 

Men can be submissive.

But the point is this...

A man becomes a sex addict if he doesn't find a task where he can be dominant.

A woman becomes a sex addict if she doesn't find a job where she can be submissive.

There is a purpose in being dominant. 

There is a purpose in being submissive.

Boys must be taught purpose in dominance. 

Girls must be taught purpose in submissiveness.

This way, boys and girls won't run to sex to replace their purpose with it.

Boys are to be taught hunting. 

Girls should be taught gardening or painting.

Humans have sexual needs. 

Sex is spiritual. 

If your spirit desires someone, it craves a connection with their spirit. 

Everyone has a sexual animal in them. 

This animal likes to express itself, and everyone should research about their sexual animal.

My synopsis: Treat your sexual spirit with kindness. It loves to connect with other spirits and wants to be seen.

However,  you must be able to control it and treat it with care. 

I can't say porn is bad. It's not reality.

No human being should have sex with their parents.

Porn is beneficial to fulfill your sexual imagination.

Everyone should be treated with love. Love is respect.

But no sane person will find their parents sexually attractive. 

In the workplace, people complain about toxic work culture. 

It's everywhere, not just in the porn industry.

But you don't just have sex with anyone. Love is respect.

Respect yourself first. 

Porn doesn't teach it. I would suggest that they get educative while entertaining viewers.

Aside from revealing characters, sex is useful for different purposes, depending on which sexual spirit you carry. 

Our sexual spirit is expressive, therefore the only way to control it is to get more expressive.  

Get expressive through painting or farming

Don't just be having orgasms. 

Our sexual spirits reveal characters and have energy.

Express your sexual spirit through arts, entrepreneurship and other means.

Your sexual spirit is connected to your soul; don't just let anyone into your soul.

You can discover your sexual spirits through the expression of your thoughts and feelings.

Sexual addictions occur early when individuals aren't taught to regulate their submissive and dominant propensities.

Our sexual energy or spirit is connected to our life, character, and purpose. 

 Therefore, you must know your sexual energy. 

It can fuel your character, purpose, and life. 

It propels you to action and creative instinct, so you must manage it.

Pornstars use sexual energy for sports. 

Porn is a sport. It's for recreation. 

People get addicted to porn if they've not found a soul-to-soul connection with people they love. 

People get addicted to porn if they've not found a way to share their thoughts. 

You express your frustration by watching porn and masturbating.

It's healthy but harmful. 

It's harmful if you lose hope in finding better ways to connect with others.

If you watch porn a lot and masturbate, it means that you have a lot of invention to express to the world.

High performers have high sexual energy.  

The porn industry should take healthful decisions for pornstars. 

They shouldn't exploit them. 

Pornstars are entertainers!

The End.



  1. You've shared ideas I've never come across in many books I've read over the years. You've highlighted the purpose of porn, sex and masturbation in a simple and mind-blowing way. Your research exposed to me the use of porn, sexual energy and the soul and spirit of man. This is genius stuff. You're a god. Your writing is conversational and therapeutic. I see you wrote down your thoughts as imagined.

  2. I sat down under a tree, Sunday morning, air wafting around my head. As I read your blog post on masturbation, porn, and sex, I was making a silent hum “Hmmm, hmmm,” nodding my head. “This particular blog post is written by a superhuman, not an ordinary person.” I muttered under my breath.

    I bow my head and dab homage to your grey hairs, sir.


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