Albania TV profits from female presenters' boobs display

 Is this why women were excluded from the workplace in the past?

When freedom is abused, it turns into slavery.

I see women doing TikTok videos objectifying themselves. 

Do they not care about the consequences of exposing their bodies?

It is unethical!

When ladies take clothes off, the media profits!

Women wanted freedom, but with freedom comes responsibility.

Dress responsibly!

“Men can not dictate what I wear.” 

Is that why you walk around naked in the street, knowing kids staring at you?

The society is experiencing moral decadence.

Men and women share parental responsibilities. 

They should be held accountable.


  1. We need to promote decency to our children. We shouldn't kurupt their minds from an early age. The world is ours. But we need to be mindful of the way we dress. Thank you for sharing sir 🤲


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